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Altrincham Word Fest – Life writing and Personal Narrative with Kate Feld.

This is an incredibly self referential blog.

I’m writing about writing.

Life Writing, in actual fact.

I’m writing about my life which today involved attending the first event of the Altrincham Word Fest,

Life Writing and Personal Narrative

Writing will eat itself in this blog post. It could only eat itself more if I’d also been able to attend and blog about the blogging event,

Creating Content Online with We Blog North…

a network I’m happily a member of, and a class happening later in the run.

This afternoon, I spent a very happy, inspiring and creative two hours with writer, journalist and lecturer, Kate Feld, a group of lovely actual and aspirational writers, and the two lovely people who have conceived of this rather marvellous festival, Anne Earley and Yoko Isami.

Taking place between 12-27 May, Altrincham Word Fest is

a two-week celebration of writing which will take place in the town.

To quote Sydney Youngblood (my cultural references giving me away, YET again,

If only I could…

go to each and every event along the way.

Fate, a full time job and life plans dictate that I can’t, and after today’s workshop, this makes me sad, in essence.

Two hours was never going to be long enough (unless the session had been shocking, meaning two hours of tension), and I left thirsty for more.

A writing style I tend to gravitate towards myself (write what you know. I know me, me, me and how to use WordPress – a bit), I was keen to hear how a successful writer and essayist hones her craft.

The first thing I learnt was that essay means to attempt or try.

When writing an essay we must be looking for the answer to something. There must be a question.

All too often, my question is along the lines of

Why did I do this thing in the anecdote and can someone else relate or provide reassurance that I’m not unique in my socially awkward ways?

After examining the various forms of essay writing, we were tasked with a, well, task (perhaps it’s a thesaurus I need before a life writing class).

Put pen to paper (or fingers to lap top) and write freely for 15 minutes on something that’s happened recently or is in your mind. It can be small. Insignificant. Mundane.

To quote our mentor Kate,

The exuberant gloriousness of the ordinary

I loved that quote.

I wrote it down and everything.

As usual I had many socially awkward and anxious interactions and concerns to draw on.

I chose an incident from Thursday night. Here is my scrawl and here is it written up verbatim just now (ok I corrected it’s to its) on my ill used vanity blog, Memoirs of a Laura (I know…)

The Ladies and the Ironing – an essay

Waste not want not.

Now I feel I’ve almost been given permission to write about myself, this (along with the incredible injection of enthusiasm) could spell trouble.

Which I will then write about.

Against a backdrop of tales of eating, drinking and general messing about in Hale, Altrincham and surrounding areas.

And Manchester (plug and indeed plug Honorary Manc)

If you love to read, write, learn, be inspired, do make sure to check out the programme of events happening over the next fortnight, brought to Altrincham by

Altrincham Word Fest

Altrincham Unlimited – Alty Word Fest

The Real Story